
Last Updated:

August 8, 2022

It is our obligation that this website is accessible, with unhindered use for the disabled community. The following outlines how this site was developed, as well as our dedication to improvements.


Jessica Oddi built this website using WebFlow. The custom design follows WCAG [Web Content Accessibility Guidelines] and compliancies as a base. It was built with HTML structure, CSS [Cascading Style Sheets] and minimal JS [JavaScript].

Developer Testing

Jessica tested this site across main web browsers and devices. Including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Edge. Desktop operating systems were macOS Monterey and Windows 11. Mobile devices were the Samsung Galaxy S20 Pro, Google Pixel, iPhone 7 and iPad mini 2.

The website was navigated using keyboard-only and assistive tech. Including Apple VoiceOver, Microsoft Narrator, Android TalkBack and Voice Access. Jessica also tested zoom, inverted and colour filters for scaling and visual checks. As well as an automated audit with 0 errors on the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool.

Updates + Notices

August Updates (Site Wide)

The developer has added clearer focus states without outline styles. This includes links, anchors, and button elements. The navigation bar has also removed the sticky element for better anchor scrolling. Top (scroll up) button now brings you back to the header section.

Latest Projects Slider (Home Page)

Using Android TalkBack on mobile. After pressing the next/previous slide arrows, the screen reader jumps back to the top of the page, rather than anchoring to the slider container. It appears to be related to the anchor tag link errors on mobile browsers. The issue does not persist on VoiceOver or desktop.


Winterhouse Films Inc. knows accessibility is a commitment that must adapt over time. It involves going above compliance to serve the disabled community. Please reach out to our developer if you are are experiencing problems navigating this website. Or if you have any suggestions for improvement.

oddi [dot] jessica [at] Gmail [dot] com